I have never - ever- understood the use of a traditional Guest Book. People sign their names, and where they are from...like visitors do at church on Sunday. Hmm. As though you don't know the guests were at your wedding? Or like, if you did not realize they were there, maybe you don't know them well enough to recognize them? I suppose the practice is more useful at those enormous wedding ceremonies where the parents invite everyone and their dogs for some kind of social power play.

In our case - 33 guests (including ourselves and our photographers) - guest books, at least the traditional kind, don't seem an overly useful concept. Many months ago, I found a great idea for a more functional and meaningful guest book. I ordered a set of 100 vintage Mexico postcards from Ebay (cost = $11 with shipping) and purchased a pretty orange paisley photo album ($8.99 at Michaels). The cards, along with some pens, will be stationed on the cocktail tables, and guests will be asked to write a message to us on the back of a card and then place it in the photo album. Instant-fun-guest-book! Plus, then we can add photos of each guest near to their written message, and have something that will be fun to peruse over the years. And just in case we forget what any of our guests look like....ha ha ha ha, right.
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