I love listening to Josh Groban while I grade student responses and papers and exams. There is a significant link between music and various events in my life. For instance, in graduate school, while I wrote my comprehensive examination responses, I listened to to Enigma over and over and over again. Josh Groban creeped into the end of the comps process, and then continued while I was writing my dissertation. I know every word, every transition, every key change in those songs. And most of them were learned subconsciously, because technically I was multi-tasking the entire way through. Hopefully I'm still pretty good at multitasking and am grading student work fairly as I continue to listen. ;) Only 1 week to go this semester, and then I get a 4-week break before summer session begins. I'll be teaching a class at LCCC and UW again - both online - this summer session, for only 8 weeks (versus the usual 16-week semester). Then, I get another 4-week break in August before the Fall semester starts. The more I do this teaching thing, the more efficient and effective (hopefully!) I become. It's pretty exciting stuff.