Any recent bride or bride-to-be has likely heard of the latest cultural rage in the wedding world - the Trash the Dress (TTD)photography session. This photo shoot is typically h
eld the morning after the wedding night, and although the name implies that harm will come to that expensive dress you spent months looking for and pining over, the purpose of this new-tradition is not to trash the dress. Instead, it is an opportunity for the bride and groom (and their photographer) to take photos in interesting poses and locations that would not be as easily done on wedding day (when the bride is trying to keep herself clean). The focus of this shoot is typically the glamour and artfulness of the photos, and usually the work is relatively candid in nature, so it gives the bride and groom a chance to naturally move together and see what happens. At first, I was not a huge fan of this idea, but the more I read about it - and quite honestly, the more photos I see from these types of shoots on or near the beach - the more exciting it seems. Is it creating 'just another opportunity' for a bride and groom to have pictures taken of themselves? Probably. But the possibilities the day after the wedding, when the stress has diminished and the properness of the day are gone...that is appealing to me.

So... we will do a TTD session the day after our wedding in Mexico - very exciting! A&A Photography has agreed to partake in this crazy activity with us. I plan on donating my dress to an awesome organization called Brides Against Breast Cancer, so I will very likely buy a less-formal, and less-expensive gown to wear for our TTD session, and I thought it could be cool for Christopher to wear an all-white cotton or linen shirt and pant set - but we shall see about that. There are so many websites that show amazing examples of TTD photos, so here
are just a few to whet your appetite (credit is given directly on the photos).

SolTaMargo Photographer (Mexico)
A&A Photography (Colorado)
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