I am so happy to write this post. It seems we may have found a suit for the FI to wear to his own wedding - hooray! We originally decided to visit Banana Republic because of past success in

purchasing great-fitting, good quality suit wear there. However, this season, BR decided to implement the 'noticeable stitch' on the lapels of all its suit jacket (yack). We randomly decided to hop into Express MEN and wouldn't you know, we found this gorgeous white/ivory suit jacket and matching pants there. Ordered his size via the internet, and voila - we love it! I can envision an aqua blue handkerchief inserted into the chest pocket of the jacket...and a simple white collared shirt underneath it, with just 2 buttons un-done. (The FI still maybe wants to wear a tie though, so I'm holding back on my dreamy visions for now.) Here are a few photos of the suit. I love the idea of both of us being in all white, it's elegant and casual at the same time.
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