The indecisive bride with far too many options strikes again. After choosing the gorgeous bridesmaids dresses (and we'll only keep them if they are comfy and not too-too revealing...) the aqua and persimmon color scheme seemed perhaps a bit stark...too close to red. So I think it's safe to say I'm moving toward oranges, blues, white/ivory/natural, and things in that neighborhood. Which means, continuing to search for the ever-elusive invitation, the table decor that won't blow away in the Mexican wind, the welcome bags and menus and ties and...oh so many other things. I am loving the Bird of Paradise flower for inspiration lately, and I also am still in love with the use of coral somewhere in the mix...both items are pokey, pointed, whatever you want to call it, and I seem to like that. So the search continues for a cohesive design that I can take to the bank...until then, I do enjoy just looking. And looking. And looking some more.
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