As I come up with new topics for this blog (and believe me, it isn't too difficult to do), no matter what topic I decide to research, I am completely fascinated with the fact that no matter how long I look, there is always MORE information to read/learn. Overwhelming. So, cakes. Not just any cakes - Wedding Cakes. This is a whole culture of people, bakers, and crazy brides who are uber-specific about what this little detail in the wedding means (
what feeling it evokes, the exact color of blue that the fondant should be, the kind of raspberry filling - is there more than one kind?!). Not to make complete fun of this process- granted, it is fun to concoct ideas and plans and think about the beautiful photos and taste - but it seems a bit crazy overall. That said, I found a few designs that seem to fit our desired theme...see what you think.

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