It's decided. I will create and pursue a Bucket List.
Turns out, not everyone knows what a Bucket List is. Let's get a shared definition going before we begin.
From "A list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket"."
Hmm. Not sure if I'm a huge fan of this definition. I might rather think of this list as "A list of things to do while I enjoy a full and interesting life." It isn't so much that I want to beat death to something, but that I'd like to have some mini-goals that might or might not have age-based limits.
On the radio this week, a woman said something about the fact that she was not implying that the pecan pie her mother made was an easy feat. I thought, I've never made a pecan pie. I want to make a pecan pie. Not because I want to eat it, but because I want to have made something that could be considered difficult by the average amateur cook. Push outside the comfort zone, so to speak. And I have recently realized that my comfort zone is...well....teeny tiny. Like, Rhode Island tiny. Dust mite, invisible to the naked human eye, tiny. And I am no longer satisfied with Rhode Island. I'd like to have New Jersey, at least. And then expand to Vermont, perhaps.
So here we go. I haven't yet decided the exact format of the weekly or more frequent entries, but I am excited about this topic and the voyage in general.
Spring It List: The Denim Shirt
2 days ago